এস.এস.সি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র চট্টগ্রাম বোর্ড ২০২০ সমাধান

এস.এস.সি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র চট্টগ্রাম বোর্ড ২০২০ সমাধান

ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র সকল বোর্ড ২০২০

এস.এস.সি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র চট্টগ্রাম বোর্ড ২০২০ সমাধান

SSC English 2nd Paper Chattogram Board 2020 Solution


Chattogram Board 2020

English Second Paper

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.


positive arise hinder normal
avoid mainly hamper cause


Student politics (a) ………. the normal progress of a student. It brings (b) …….. to a few but (c) …… harm to many. Because of student politics (d) …….… administration of a college or university is (e) ………. As a result, there (f) …. session jam. For this problem of the campus, student politics is (g) …….. responsible. So, we should (h) ………. about the necessity of student politics. Either we should (i) ……. student politics or we should brings about a (j) ……… change in this sector.


(a) hinders (b) prosperity (c) causes (d) normal (e) hampered (f) arises (g) mainly (h) think (i) avoid (j) positive.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

Patriotism is an (a) …….. quality of human being. It creates in a man a feeling of love for his motherland. It is older than (b) ……. The man who loves his own country, does his first and (c) …… duties and works for the (d) ……… and (e) …….. of his country, is a patriot. Even the ancient tribes had a great love for the land where they were born and sacrificed their lives to (f) ……… it. If he does and (g) ……… his duties honestly and sincerely in his own fields, he can be a patriot. If he does not do so, he will be a (h) …….. We must not have bitterness towards anyone. But (i) …….. patriotism is very bad. All should (j) ………. off it from their hearts.


(a) essential (b) civilisation (c) foremost (d) development (e) welfare (f) protect (g) performs 

(h) traitor (i) narrow (j) shake.

  1. Make five sentences using the parts of sentences from each column of the table below.





us news of home and abroad.
They useful to all section of people.
It great educative value too.
really part and parcel of our life.
us the outside world like a mirror.


(a) Newspapers are really part and parcel of our life. 

(b) It gives us news of home and abroad.

(c) It has great educative value too.

(d) They present us the outside world like a mirror. 

(e) They are useful to all sections of people.

  1. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. You can use one verb more than once.


damage breed rise result
consider overcome compare build


Self-control (a) ……. a great power. It (b) ……. all other virtues. Man generally (c) ……. on impulses and strong desires. Vicious desires (d) ……. the purity of heart and mind (e) …….. the degradation of human nature. It is self-control that can help a man (f) …….. up a pure character which is very essential (g) …….. above the level of inhumanity. Nothing can (h) …….. to self-control to (i) ……… inhumanity. So, everybody (j) …….. for being self-controlled.


(a) is considered (b) breeds (c) acts (d) damage (e) resulting (f) build (g) rise (h) be compared 

(i) overcome (j) should endeavor.

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text.

“Why are you laughing in the class?” the teacher said to the girl. “I have remembered interesting incident after you have given the example.” “What is that?” said the teacher. “It is about one of my cousins who came to our house yesterday.” “Forget it and be attentive to your lesson.”


The teacher asked the girl why she was laughing in the class. The girl replied that she had remembered an interesting incident after he had given the example. The teacher then asked her what that was. She answered that it was about one of her cousins who had come to their house the previous day. The teacher told her to forget it and be attentive to her class. 

এস.এস.সি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র চট্টগ্রাম বোর্ড ২০২০ সমাধান

  1. Change the following sentences according to directions.

(a) Wherever we may cast our eyes, we notice the achievement of science. (Make it simple)

(b) The electricity lights both the streets and the houses. (Make it negative)

(c) The radio broadcasts news, songs and lectures. (Make it passive)

(d) There is cinema to delight in the evening. (Make it complex)

(e) Computer is one of the most important inventions of modern science. (Make it positive)

(f) Who can go without it? (Make it assertive)

(g) Internet is as important as computer. (Make it comparative)

(h) It helps us to know about the world. (Make it compound)

(i) It is greater than all other inventions of modern science. (Make it superlative)

(j) The invention of computer is a great miraculous event. (Make it exclamatory)


(a) Casting our eyes everywhere, we notice the achievement of science.

(b) The electricity lights not only the streets but also the houses. 

(c) News, songs and lectures are broadcast on the radio. 

(d) When it is evening, there is cinema to delight.

(e) Very few inventions of modern science are as important as computer. 

(f) None can go without it.

(g) Internet is not less important than computer.

(h) We want to know about the world and it helps us regarding that. 

(i) It is the greatest invention of modern science.

(j) What a miraculous event the invention of computer is! 

  1. Complete the following sentences to make them meaningful.

(a) He asked me whether ……………..

(b) Had I the wings of a dove ……………….

(c) He could help you provided that ……………..

(d) Hardly had the bell rung ………………

(e) We must look before we leap lest ………………


(a) He asked me whether I went to Ekushey Book Fair or not?

(b) Had I the wings of a dove I could fly in the sky. 

(c) He could help you provided that you requested him. 

(d) Hardly had the bell rung when the students came out of their classrooms.

(e) We must look before we leap lest we should fall in danger.

  1. Complete the following passage adding suffixes, prefixes or the both to the root words given in the parenthesis.

Life without (a) ……. (sure) and pleasure is dull. Life becomes (b) ………. (charm) if it does not have any time to enjoy the (c) ………. (beauty) objects of nature. (d) ……….. (monotony) work hinders the (e) ……. (smooth) of work. Leisure (f) ……….. (new) our spirit to work. Everybody knows that (g) …………. (work) is (h) ……………… (harm). Leisure does not mean (i) ………….. (averse) to work. It gives freshness and (j) ……… (create) to our mind.


(a) leisure (b) charmless (c) beautiful (d) Monotonous (e) smoothness (f) renews (g) overwork 

(h) harmful (i) aversion (j) recreation.

  1. Add tag questions to the statements below.

(a) None of us can solve this problem, ……………..?

(b) There is little water in the glass, …………..?

(c) One cannot deny this proposal, ………….?

(d) You need to see a doctor, …………..?

(e) Nothing was said, …………….?


(a) None of us can solve this problem, can we?

(b) There is little water in the glass, is there? 

(c) One cannot deny this proposal, can one?

(d) You need to see a doctor, don’t you? 

(e) nothing was said, was it?

  1. Complete the following passage using suitable connectors.

Bangladesh is a small country (a) …….….. it has a large population. A great number of people are poor (b) …….. illiterate. (c) …….. we want to develop the country, we must control the rapid growth of population. (d) ……….. we have to face a great problem. But it is a matter of joy (e) ………. our government is trying to solve the problem.


(a) but (b) and (c) If (d) Otherwise (e) that.

  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 

how is your father bilkis said mr rahman he is very well thank you bilkis replied i am glad to hear that he is in good health said mr rahman


“How is your father, Bilkis?” Said Mr. Rahman. “He is very well. Thank you,”Bilkis replied. “I am glad to hear that he is in good health,” said Mr. Rahman.

সকল বোর্ড ২০২৪

সকল বোর্ড ২০২৩

সকল বোর্ড ২০২২

সকল বোর্ড ২০২০

সকল বোর্ড ২০১৯

সকল বোর্ড ২০১৮


এস.এস.সি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র চট্টগ্রাম বোর্ড ২০২০ সমাধান

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