এস.এস.সি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র ঢাকা বোর্ড ২০১৯ সমাধান

এস.এস.সি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র ঢাকা বোর্ড ২০১৯ সমাধান

ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র সকল বোর্ড ২০১৯

এস.এস.সি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র ঢাকা বোর্ড ২০১৯ সমাধান

SSC English 2nd Paper Dhaka Board 2019 Solution


Dhaka Board 2019

English Second Paper

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the form of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.


for an sustain anticipate
disaster the to erosion


It is (a) ——- that the new century is now facing various challenges specially environmental (b) ———. Feeding the ever growing population is (c) —-— first and foremost challenge for Bangladesh. It is very difficult to (d) —–— the current level of agricultural production. Because our agricultural land is being reduced due (e) —–— human habitat, industrialisation, river (f) —-— etc. Besides, we are losing our forests gradually. Trees are being cut down (g) ——- resulting in (h) ——– increase of pollution. So, it is (i) —–— to check the reckless alarming condition (j) —–— our own existence.


(a) anticipated (b) disaster (c) the (d) sustain (e) to (f) erosion (g) indiscriminately (h) an 

(i) imperative (j) for.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

Once a farmer had a great desire (a) —–— land. One day (b) —–— to the landlord, he wanted some land (c) ——— he might live in comfort. The landlord was very wise. So, he told him to have as much land as he could cover by running (d) ——— sunset. The farmer became very pleased (e) —-— that. Next morning he started running as (f)—–— as he could to cover more area. He ran till evening and the sun was (g) ——— to set. He ran with his last strength but became very tired and fell (h) —–— dead. He was (i) ——– there. Then the wise man remarked a man needs just as much land as will be enough (j) —-— his grave.


(a) for (b) going (c) where (d) till (e) at (f) soon (g) about (h) down (i) buried (j) for.

  1. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below.




is regarded

a man without character..
It as the crown of life.
It also psychological or ethical nature.
Character of a person the combination of some good qualities.
Everybody mental or moral qualities of a person.


(a) Character means mental or moral qualities of a person.

(b) It is the combination of some good qualities.

(c) It also means psychological or ethical nature.

(d) Character of a person is regarded as the crown of life.

(e) Everybody hates a man without character.

  1. Complete the following text with right form of verbs given in the box. You can use one vert more than once.


die be defend honour inspire sacrifice


Patriotism is a noble virtue. It (a) —— a man to shed the last drop of blood to (b) ——— the freedom of his country. A man without patriotism (c) ——- no better than a beast. A true patriot (d) ——- by all. He always (e) —-— for the welfare of his country. On the other hand, the unpatriotic men (f) —-— only for their own interest. Those who (g) ——– for the country, are true patriots. They (h) ——— ever after their death. That is why, the freedom fighters who (i) —–— their lives in 1971, are remembered and (j) ——— forever.


(a) inspires (b) defend (c) is (d) is honoured (e) thinks (f) think (g) die (h) are remembered 

(i) sacrificed (j) honoured.

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text.

“What is the time by your watch?” said an old man. I said, “It is half past nine.” He said, “I want to go to your house. Will you accompany me, please?” “No, I am sorry because I am going to school,” said I.


An old man asked me what the time was by my watch. I replied that it was half past nine. Then he told that he wanted to go to my home. He also asked me politely if I would accompany him. I replied in the negative and told that I was sorry because I was going to school. 

এস.এস.সি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র ঢাকা বোর্ড ২০১৯ সমাধান

  1. Change the sentences according to directions.

(a) Man is the best creation of God. (Comparative)

(b) Isn’t it our responsibility to do good deeds? (Assertive)

(c) Our life is not measured by months or years. (Active)

(d) Honest people lead a happy life. (Complex)

(e) It matters little if a man lives many years or not. (Interrogative)

(f) Nobody is absolutely happy on earth. (Affirmative)

(g) So, we should not waste time in vain. (Passive)

(h) If we use time properly, we can be benefited. (Simple)

(i)  All men must die. (Negative)

(j) Though we take utmost care, we cannot avoid death. (Compound)


(a) Man is better than any other creation of God.

(b) It is our responsibility to do good deeds.

(c) We do not measure our life by months or years.

(d) People who are honest lead a happy life.

(e) Does it matter much if a man lives many years or not?

(f) Everybody is somehow unhappy on the earth.

(g) So time should not be wasted in vain by us.

(h) By using time properly, we can be benefited.

(i) There is no man but have to die.

(j) We take utmost care but cannot avoid death.

  1. Complete the sentences.

(a) Where there is a will,———. 

(b) If a man does not work hard, —-—. 

(c) As the people of Bangladesh are hard-working, —–—. 

(d) But now she has made a remarkable development in her G.D.P.  ———.

(e) So, it is our bounden duty to ———. 


(a) Where there is a will, there is a way.

(b) If a man does not work hard, he will fail to prosper in life.

(c) As the people of Bangladesh are hard working, Bangladesh is progressing remarkably.

(d) About a decade ago Bangladesh was slow in development, but now she has made a remarkable

development in her G.D.P.

(e) So, it is our bounden duty to sustain and carry out this development at any cost.

  1. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.

A good student is always (a) —–— (mind) of his studies. He is (b) —–— (respect) of his (c) —–— (teach) and superiors. He never (d) —–— (honour) anybody. He is free from (e) ——— (behavior) and never rude to his classmates. As he is (f) —–— (study), he never wastes his time in vain. He is also sincere and listens to his teachers (g) —-— (attentive) so that he can be (h) ——— (success) in life. His punctuality and (i) —–— (determine) help him to (j) —–— (take) and solve any difficult work or job.


(a) mindful (b) respectful (c) teachers (d) dishonors (e) misbehavior (f) studious (g) attentively 

(h) successful (i) determination (j) undertake.

  1. Make tag questions of the following statements.

(a) I am an SSC examinee, —–—?

(b) My expectation is getting A+,——–?

(c) Some of my classmates became addicted to using mobile phones, —–—?

(d) They could not pass the test exam, ———?

(e) Everybody hates them for this reason, ———?


(a) I am an SSC examinee, aren’t I?

(b) My expectation is getting A, isn’t it?

(c) Some of my clasmates became addicted to using mobile phones, didn’t they?

(d) They could not pass the test exam, could they?

(e) Everybody hates them for this reason, don’t they?

  1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.

A school magazine is a magazine (a) —–— is published by the school authority annually. It contains poems, articles, essays and jokes. The publication of it is not an easy task (b) —–— it needs time, energy and money. (c) ——-— a magazine committee is formed from the teachers and the students. The editor (d) ——— is selected or elected by the committee members, invites writings. (e) ——— good writings are selected for printing.


(a) which (b) as (c) Besides (d) who (e) Finally.

  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.

have you heard the name of alexander asked mr ahmed no sir razu replied how strange it is said he will you tell me about alexander please well he was the great king of macedonia


“Have you heard the name of Alexander?” asked Mr. Ahmed. “No, sir,” Raju replied. “How strange it is!” said he. “Will you tell me about Alexander, please?” “Well, he was the great king of Macedonia.”

সকল বোর্ড ২০২৪

সকল বোর্ড ২০২৩

সকল বোর্ড ২০২২

সকল বোর্ড ২০২০

সকল বোর্ড ২০১৯

সকল বোর্ড ২০১৮


এস.এস.সি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র ঢাকা বোর্ড ২০১৯ সমাধান

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