এস.এস.সি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র রাজশাহী বোর্ড ২০১৯ সমাধান

এস.এস.সি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র রাজশাহী বোর্ড ২০১৯ সমাধান

ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র সকল বোর্ড ২০১৯

এস.এস.সি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র রাজশাহী বোর্ড ২০১৯ সমাধান

SSC English 2nd Paper Rajshahi Board 2019 Solution


Rajshahi Board 2019

English Second Paper

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.
danger recently victim victim fault
that by the aware strict

Road accidents have (a) —— become a regular phenomenon in our country. As a result of the accidents, many persons fall (b) —— to untimely death. It is reported (c) —— most of the accidents occur for (d) —— violation of traffic rules, (e) —— unskilled drivers and unconscious passers-by. Many unlicensed and (f) ——- vehicles also (g) —— the passengers and the passers-by. So, in order to save us from the accidents the government is trying to create (h) —– among the people and has passed (i) —— laws against the (j) ——.


(a) recently (b) victim (c) that (d) the (e) by (f) faulty (g) endanger (h) awareness (i) strict (j) accused.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

Housing is one of the greatest (a) —-— in our country. Thousands of people in big (b) —— like Dhaka and Chattogram (c) —-— in the footpaths. In rural (d) —— there is also an acute (e) ——- of housing. The cost of construction is (f) —-— day by day. At present it is very (g) —— for the (h) —— people to (i) —— the cost of construction. So, this problem (j) ——- to be solved soon.


(a) problems (b) cities (c) stay (d) areas (e) problem (f) increasing (g) difficult (h) common (i) bear (j) needs.

  1. Make five sentences using the parts of sentences from each column of the table below.
Cricket Has



become popular in our country.
But it a costly game.
Recently it a great appeal among the people all over the worlda great appeal among the people all over the world.
Its popularity also seen playing cricket.
Now rural youths that of football.


(a) Cricket has a great appeal among the people all over the world.

(b) But it is a costly game.

(c) Recently it has become popular in our country. 

(d) Its popularity surpasses that of football.

(e) Now rural youths are also seen playing cricket.

4.Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box.

understand  form consider owe take
respect succeed acquire admit forget

In an educational institution teacher-student relationship is (a) —-— to be the most important matter, it is such a relationship that is (b) —-— on the basis of mutual (c) ——. A student always (d) —— to his teachers because he cannot but (e) —— help from them in case of (f) ——- knowledge. The sensible students never (g) ——- their teachers. Moreover, they (h) —-— their memorable teachers’ role which helps them (i) —— in life. So, they always (j) —– their teachers.


(a) considered (b) formed (c) understanding (d) owes (e) take (f) acquiring (g) forget (h) admit (i) succeed (j) respect.

এস.এস.সি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র রাজশাহী বোর্ড ২০১৯ সমাধান

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text.

The students said, “We want to celebrate the victory of the National Debate Competition.” The Headmaster said, “Why?” The students said, “We want to make it memorable in our life. The Headmaster said, “Don’t worry. I shall take all necessary steps to arrange the function.”


The students told the Headmaster that they wanted to celebrate the victory of the National Debate Competition. Then the Headmaster wanted to know its reason. In reply the students told him (H) that they wanted to make it memorable in their life. The Headmaster assured them not to worry. He (H) added that he would take all necessary steps to arrange the function.

  1. Change the sentences according to directions.

(a) Patriotism is a noble virtue. (Interrogative) 

(b) It is the greatest of all virtues in a man’s life. (Comparative) 

(c) It persuades a man to do everything just. (Negative) 

(d) This quality highly motivates á man so that he can sacrifice his life for the country. (Simple) 

(e) What an outstanding quality it is! (Assertive) 

(f) A man having patriotic zeal is called a patriot. (Complex) 

(g) A patriot fears none but the Creator. (Affirmative) 

(h) By paying taxes he obeys the law. (Compound) 

(i) He is respected by all. (Active) 

(j) So we should be patriots. (Imperative)


(a) Isn’t patriotism a noble virtue?

(b) It is greater than all other virtues in a man’s life.

(c) It does not persuade a man to do anything unjust.

(d) This quality highly motivates a man to sacrifice his life for the country.

(e) It is a very outstanding quality. 

(f) A man who has patriotic zeal is called a patriot.

(g) A patriot fears only the Creator.

(h) He obeys the law and so he pays taxes. 

(i) All respect him.

(j) So, let us be patriots.

  1. Complete the sentences.

(a) We should keep in mind that —–—. 

(b) If we are not healthy —-—. 

(c) We must eat balanced diet so that —–—. 

(d) We should wear socks and shoes when —-—. 

(e) Nobody likes a man who —-—.


(a) We should keep in mind that health is wealth.

(b) If we are not healthy, we cannot do our jobs properly.

(c) We must eat balanced diet so that we can keep a sound health. 

(d) We should wear socks and shoes when we go outside.

(e) Nobody likes a man who is habituated to unhealthy lifestyle.

  1. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or both to the root words given in the parentheses.

Bangladesh is a (a) —— (river) and (b) —–— (agriculture) country. So, we cannot ignore the (c) —-— (important) of rivers. Our agriculture is largely (d) —-— (depend) on the rivers. But we get (e) —-— (sufficient) water for use from the rivers. There are (f) —-— (differ) reasons behind it. At first the water of many rivers (g) —— (dry) up in summer. Again, the water of some rivers is (h) —-— (extreme) poisonous. This poisonous water is (i) —-— (suit) for our agriculture. So, water pollution should be prevented at any cost for the (j) —-— (better) of our agriculture. 


(a) riverine (b)  agricultural (c) importance (d) dependent (e) insufficient (f) different (g) dries 

(h) extremely (i) unsuitable (i) betterment. 

  1. Make tag questions of these statements.

(a) Cutting trees is not good for us, —-—? 

(b) Because trees supply us with oxygen, fruits and wood, ——-? 

(c) We can hardly live without them, ——? 

(d) They are our best friends, — ? 

(e) Let’s plant trees more and more, —-—? 


(a) Cutting trees is not good for us, is it? 

(b) Because tress supply us oxygen, fruits and wood, don’t they?

(c) We can hardly live without them, can we?

(d) They are our best friends, aren’t they? 

(e) Let’s plant trees more and more, shall we?

  1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. 

The whole world has turned into a global village (a) —-— the improvement of information technology. Now we can know (b) ——– is happening on the other corner of the world sitting at home. One culture is coming in touch with another. The poor culture is receiving quickly the elements (c) —–— are available in rich culture. (d) —-— technology transforms culture and develops it. (e) —–— we have to prevent the infiltration of the bad culture of another society to our own culture. 


(a) due to (b) what (c) which (d) Because (e) But.

  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.

 go to bed now mother said you can complete your assignment in the morning no mom ill finish it now


“Go to bed now,” mother said, “You can complete your assignment in the morning.” “No, mom. I’ll finish it now.”

সকল বোর্ড ২০২৪

সকল বোর্ড ২০২৩

সকল বোর্ড ২০২২

সকল বোর্ড ২০২০

সকল বোর্ড ২০১৯

সকল বোর্ড ২০১৮


এস.এস.সি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র রাজশাহী বোর্ড ২০১৯ সমাধান

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