এস.এস.সি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র যশোর বোর্ড ২০২০ সমাধান 

এস.এস.সি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র যশোর বোর্ড ২০২০ সমাধান 

ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র সকল বোর্ড ২০২০

এস.এস.সি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র যশোর বোর্ড ২০২০ সমাধান 

SSC English 2nd Paper Jashore Board 2020 Solution


Jashore Board 2020

English Second Paper

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.


dark the from an
learning often our that


A teacher is (a) ……. compared with (b) ……..architect. He is called (c) …….. architect of a nation. He is the light of (d) ……… citizens of our country. But it is a matter of regret (f) …… the teachers are not held (g) …….. due respect in (h) …….. society. They lead a humble life in the midst of want. Still they keep the light of education burning in order to remove the (i) …….. of illiteracy and superstitions (j) …….. the society.


(a) often (b) an (c) the (d) learning (e) worthy (f) that (g) in (h) our (i) darkness (j) from.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

People are fond of travelling. So, travelling has been popular with man from the (a) ……. immemorial. It is the romance of seeing the (b) …….., knowing the unknown and unveiling the shrouds (c) …….. mystery. A man hardly knows his (d) …….. land completely until he has gone out of it to (e) ……. other countries. Only a rational comparison of our country (f) ……….. other countries can vividly specify the true nature (g) ……… merits and demerits of our own motherland. An awareness of our defects inspires us to (h) ……. hard and improve (i) …….. unhappy condition of our dear (j) ……… place.


(a) time (b) unseen (c) of (d) native (e) visit (f) with (g) of (h) work (i) the (j) birth.

  1. Make five meaningful sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below.
Many of us






the life of a dying patient.
By donating blood we misconception about blood donation.
Blood donation cause no harm.
Every man in sound health donate blood after every three months.
Donating blood a very noble deed.


(a) Blood donation is a very noble deed.

(b) By donating blood we save the life of a dying patient. 

(c) Many of us have misconceptions about blood donation.

(d) Donating blood will cause no harm.

(e) Every man in sound health can donate blood after every three months. 

  1. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given.


eat deserve be thrive
cause run know fall


Everybody (a) …….. that food adulteration (b) ……. a crime. Adulterated food is poisonous and (c) ……… diseases. People (d) ……… this kind of food (e) ………. victim to liver disease, cancer, kidney failure and so on. Some businessmen who are avaricious and (f) …….. after money only (g) …….. this heinous work. They (h) ………. on the miseries of others. They (i) …….. punishment. Some strict measures should be (j) ………. to stop this abominable task of the greedy businessmen.


(a) knows (b) is (c) causes (d) eating (e) fall (f) run (g) do (h) thrive (i) deserve (j) taken.

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text.

“Good morning, Farzana,” said Abrar. “How much preparation have you taken for this exam?” “Not bad at all,” said she, “I hope I will get GPA-5.” “Wow, what a bright girl!” said Abrar. “But my preparation is not so good.”


Abrar wished good morning to Farzana. Then he asked her how much preparation she had taken for that examination. She replied that her preparation was not bad at all. She added that she hoped she would get GPA-5. At this, Abrar exclaimed with wonder that she was a very bright girl. He also said that his preparation was not so good.

এস.এস.সি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র যশোর বোর্ড ২০২০ সমাধান

  1. Change the sentences according to directions. 

(a) People in general are fond of glittering things. (Complex) 

(b) They are the lovers of surface. (Interrogative) 

(c) They are concerned at the outer show of things and beings. (Active) 

(d) They do not bother about intrinsic value. (Affirmative) 

(e) Gold is one of the precious metals. (Positive) 

(f) But there are some other metals looking like gold. (Compound) 

(g) They fade soon and lose their beauty. (Simple) 

(h) Similarly, there are some people acting like the wise. (Complex) 

(i) As soon as their real identity gets revealed, people leave them. (Negative) 

(j) We are very foolish believing in them. (Exclamatory) 


(a) People in general are fond of things that glitter.

(b) Aren’t they lovers of the surface?

(c) The outer show of things and beings concerns them. 

(d) They bother about extrinsic value.

(e) Very few metals are as precious as gold.

(f) But there are some other metals and they look like gold.

(g) Fading soon, they lose their beauty.

(h) Similarly, there are some people who act like the wise. 

(i) No sooner has their real identity got revealed than people leave them.

(j) How foolish we are believing in them!

  1. Complete the sentences. 

(a) This is Bangladesh ……….

(b) The people of Bangladesh are friendly though ……….

(c) When anyone falls in danger, others ………

(d) We love and help one another as if ………

(e) We work seriously lest ………. 


(a) This is Bangladesh which is our motherland.

(b) The people of Bangladesh are friendly though they live in the midst of poverty. 

(c) When anyone falls in danger, others come forward to his assistance.

(d) We love and help one another as if we were family members.

(e) We work seriously lest the progress of our country might slow down.

  1. Complete the following text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. 

(a) ………. (persevere) is needed to be (b) …….. (success) in life. Those who do not persevere in life become (c) ……… (success) in their mission and only blame their lot for their (d) ……… (fortune). (e) ……….. (persevere) people always become successful. (f) ……… (sincere) is another important virtue which (g) ……… (able) a person to accomplish a job (h) …….. (fruit). Student life is the (i) ……..(form) period of a man’s life. One should not (j) ………. (use) this period of life. 


(a) Perseverance (b) successful (c) unsuccessful (d) misfortune (e) Perseverant (f) Sincerity 

(g) enables (h) fruitfully (i) formative (j) abuse.

  1. Make tag questions of the following statements.

(a) Everybody respects freedom fighters, ……..? 

(b) They fought for the independence of our country, ………..? 

(c) Their sacrifice has given us freedom in every sphere of life, …………? 

(d) Their names are written in golden letters, ………..? 

(e) We should never forget them, ………..? 


(a) Everybody respects freedom fighters, don’t they? 

(b) They fought for the independence of our country, didn’t they?

(c) Their sacrifice has given us freedom in every sphere of life, hasn’t it?

(d) Their names are written in golden letters, aren’t they? 

(e) We should never forget them, should we?

  1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.

Teaching is such a profession (a) ……… helps to build a nation. A teacher is (b) …….. a guide (c) ……. a pioneer. He has to be dedicated to this noble profession in order to guide the nation. (d) …….., he is called an architect of a new society. (e) ………. he neglects his duties, social discipline will break down.


(a) as (b) not only (c) but also (d) So (e) If.

  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.

my dear mother your letter is just to hand it seems to me that you are anxious for me but you need not think about me


My dear mother! Your letter is just to hand. It seems to me that you are anxious for me; but you need not think about me.

সকল বোর্ড ২০২৪

সকল বোর্ড ২০২৩

সকল বোর্ড ২০২২

সকল বোর্ড ২০২০

সকল বোর্ড ২০১৯

সকল বোর্ড ২০১৮


এস.এস.সি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র যশোর বোর্ড ২০২০ সমাধান

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